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Save Our WI Judges
For many large organisations, a mission statement states its overall aim. On their website, The National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) says their mission is “To create a world where women come together to learn, share skills and work together to become active citizens, influencing change to improve lives in their local, national and global communities.”
Marmalade: The rise and fall of the Seville orange
For me, marmalade is my favourite preserve to make and eat. It’s a skill set I never tire of replicating and sharing with others.

I enjoy the process of making enriched breads with added sugar, milk, butter, and often a sourdough starter.

In 1948 when my Mother got married, women automatically stopped working, and her employer, Good Housekeeping Magazine, gave her a pressure cooker as a leaving present.

With a few months to wait until Seville oranges are available in the shops, how would you like to develop your skills, learning how to make marmalade with all year round citrus and have some fresh marmalade suitable to gift during the festive season?
Citrus by post
Following the craze for sourdough and banana bread during lockdown in 2020, Marmalade making became a go to activity during lockdown in the early months of this year.
La Fuensanta
Last October when I booked a trip to Seville
Marmalade and Jam Recipes etc
For me, April is a month for making Marmalade and Jam from fruit in freezers, to create space for the new season of soft and stone fruit.