I must confess to having a love affair with damsons. With their blue-black skin and astringent/sweet flavour they are a firm favourite. Of all the stone fruits available to the preserver, the damson is the maestro.
jam recipes
Apple Preserves
Autumn is a favourite season of mine with a wide variety of fruit and vegetables to preserve and many opportunities to teach.
Sourdough, Jam and Chutney with Emmanuel Hadjiandreou
Bread and jam, toast and marmalade, from sourdough to soda bread, sweet preserves are synonymous with bread. As with preserving, making bread is a passion of mine and in recent years
National Cream Tea Day Recipes
Founded in 2015 by the Cream Tea Society, National Cream Tea Day is usually held this year on June 24th. Sponsored by Rodda’s and Tiptoe,
WI: Jam and Jerusalem: 100 years of Preserving.
Established in Britain in 1915, the Women’s Institute (WI) was set up to inspire rural women to grow and preserve fruit and vegetables
When is a Jam not a Jam?
In March 2013, I was alerted to a campaign by Clippy Mckenna, with the support of MEP, Arlene McCarthy
Preserve Your Own – Redberry Jelly Recipe
With their crystal clear and vibrant colours, sweet and savoury jellies make delicious accompaniments to meats,
Beautiful Blackberries – Chutney
This year there has been a bumper crop of blackberries, both wild and cultivated, to make my favourite Chutney and Jams. Following a wet winter,
Succulent Strawberries
As the days lengthen and the sporting calendar has a brief break from league football, the first crops of summer berries arrive. English strawberries
First Preserves: Jams – enhanced ebook
First Preserves: Jams on iBooks®, offers tried-and-tested recipes for both the novice and the experienced preserver,